Internet explorer 11
Internet Explorer, thank you for your service these past 26 years. You have carried us through many a web browsing experience, but now it’s time to move on. Microsoft will be ending official support for Internet Explorer 11 on June 15, 2022 and that means SharePoint Online users need to make the switch as well.
“The Internet Explorer 11 desktop application will be retired and go out of support on June 15, 2022, for certain versions of Windows 10.”
Internet Explorer 11 will be retired in 2022.
“Browsing with Internet Explorer 11 may produce unpredictable results in SharePoint Online. Documents may not open in client applications, and some functionality may work differently than expected.”
If you’re using SharePoint Online, you may want to consider switching to a different browser. The current version of Internet Explorer 11 is not compatible with SharePoint Online, and Microsoft has announced that it will stop supporting it on January 12th, 2020. There are also significant security vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer 11 that could compromise your data if left unpatched. If you’re still using the old version of IE11 and would like an alternative, we recommend downloading Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox (both free).
“Microsoft are working to fix any issues before the retirement date but has not provided a timeline for when they will be resolved. In the meantime, we recommend that tenant administrators and users change their browser experience settings to improve browser compatibility with SharePoint Online.”
Microsoft is working to fix these issues before the retirement date but has not provided a timeline for when they will be resolved. In the meantime, we recommend that tenant administrators and users change their browser experience settings to improve browser compatibility with SharePoint Online.
“To switch your tenant to use a supported browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge), Tenant Administrators can go to Admin Centre > Settings > Organizational Profile > Edit your company profile (Settings) > Choose default experience for your organization and select “New experience”.”
To switch your tenant to use a supported browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge), Tenant Administrators can go to Admin Centre > Settings > Organizational Profile > Edit your company profile (Settings) > Choose default experience for your organization and select “New experience.”
You’ll be able to change the following settings:
• Default web browser for end users: Select either Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome as the default browser for all users in this tenant. The selected browser will be used by default when opening links from an email client or within Office 365 programs such as Outlook Web Access or Word Online. If you don’t want end users to open links from their email clients in the browser they’ve set up as their default, you can also choose “Open in Microsoft Edge” or “Open in Google Chrome” here instead of making either one of those browsers the default web browser. This setting applies only on computers running Windows 8 and later versions of Windows operating systems; on Mac computers running macOS v10.12+, it applies only if Apple Mail is being used; on mobile devices such as Android phones running Android 5 Lollipop+ while using Email app option
It’s time to stop using internet explorer 11 for SharePoint Online.
We’re here to help you make the move. In this article, we’ll cover why it’s time to stop using Internet Explorer 11 for SharePoint Online and how to get started migrating to Microsoft Edge.
Internet Explorer 11 is an end-of-life browser that will be retired on June 15th, 2022. If you’re still using Internet Explorer 11 for SharePoint Online, your browser could be causing issues with your productivity or even putting sensitive information at risk. This is because some websites might not work as intended in IE11 browsers due to known issues with older versions of internet explorer (such as security concerns). These sites will continue working normally in other browsers such as Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome/Chromium based browsers where they are supported by their respective vendors who offer updates regularly while they also provide regular support through their official forums/communities’ channels like GitHub etc…
If you need any help setting up a new browser or migrating bookmarks (favourites) to a new browser, then please get in touch.